Natural Remedies

Psoriasis Symptoms

Psoriasis is dangerous disease which affects 2 to 3 % of the population of the world.

Cholesterol Lowering Foods

The best cholesterol lowering foods are plant-based foods, which do not contain any unhealthy fats, or

Home Remedies For Cough

Person takes a deep inhalation inA person who is going to cough foremost draws a deep

Aromatherapy Holistic Health Store

The art and science of using aromatherapy to modify a person’s emotions, moods and overall physical

Vitalis and Homeopathy

Homeopathy has a dynamic concept of illness and the healing process, due to the fact that

Salmonella and E-coli Superbugs Resist Antibiotics

The first question that probably entered your mind is where these came from. Well, British farms

Natural Home Remedies

Herbs, spices, food, milk, are all ingredients for well known and effective home remedies. Whether you’re

Holistic Medicine – The Next Step to Complete Healing

When we hear the word hospital, the first thing that comes in mind is a white

Psoriasis Sufferers

Psoriasis affects approximately 3% of the population, or more than 125 million people. It is one

Homeopathic Migraine Relief

Homeopathy involves the use of non-toxic medicine for the treatment of illnesses. Several remedies used for